Paper about "An improved GIS-based solar radiation model" published

Zhang, M., Wang, B., Liu, D. L., Liu, J., Zhang, H., Feng, P., ... & Yu, Q. (2020). Incorporating dynamic factors for improving a GIS‐based solar radiation model. Transactions in GIS, 24(2), 423-441.

A GIS-based solar radiation model that incorporates albedo, shading by surrounding terrain, and variations in cloudiness was used to address the spatial variability of these factors in mountainous terrain. Compared with other independent solar radiation products, our model generated a more reliable solar radiation product over rugged terrain.

We developed spatio-temporal whittaker smoother gap-filling method for gap-filled Albedo

Table 1. By comparison with other well-known GIS-based solar radiation model such as Solar Analyst in ArcGIS and r.sun in GRASS

DEM-based Model Environment Computing capacity Ground parameter Sky view factor
Our model GEE Cloud-based Dynamic Albedo Surrounding terrain
r.SUN GRASS Multi-processor Static Albedo Slope itself
SRAD ArcGIS Multi-processor Static Albedo Slope itself
Solar Analyst ArcGIS Single-processor Static Albedo Slope itself
Solei-32 ArcGIS Single-processor Static Albedo Slope itself

A mountainous solar radiation toolbox was developed, which can be used for dynamic visualization, extraction, and processing of mountainous solar radiation.